Proceeding Books 2020

  • Advances in Mass Data Analysis of Images and Signals with Applications in Medicine, r/g/b Biotechnology, Food Industries and Dietetics, Biometry and Security, Agriculture, Drug Discover, and System Biology, Petra Perner (Ed.), Proceedings, 15th International Conference, MDA-AI&PR 2020, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, July 20-21, 2020, ISSN (Print) 1864-9734, ISSN (Online) 2699-5220, ISBN 978-3-942952-74-3, pages 52.

    ToC MDA-2020 netprice Euro 30,40, Germany plus 7% tax Euro 32,50


  • Proceedings, Machine Learning and Data Mining in Pattern Recognition, Petra Perner (Ed.), 16th International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Mining, MLDM 2020, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, July 20-21, 2020, ibai-publishing, ISSN (Print) 1864-9734, ISSN (Online) 2699-5220, ISBN 978-3-942952-75-0, pages 268.

    ToC MLDM-2020

    netprice Euro 73,60, Germany plus 7% tax Euro 78,75


  • Advances in Data Mining, Applications and Theoretical Aspects, Petra Perner (Ed.), 19th Industrial Conference, ICDM 2020 Amsterdam, The Netherlands, July 20-21, 2020, ibai publishing, ISSN (Print) 1864-9734, ISSN (Online) 2699-5220, ISBN 978-3-942952-76-7, pages 136.

    ToC ICDM-2020 Long Paper

    netprice Euro 47,20, Germany plus 7% tax Euro 50,50


  • Poster Proceedings 2020, Advances in Data Mining, Applications and Theoretical Aspects, Petra Perner (Ed.), 20th Industrial Conference, ICDM 2020 Amsterdam, The Netherlands, July 20-21, 2020, ibai publishing, ISSN (Print) 1864-9734, ISSN (Online) 2699-5220, ISBN 978-3-942952-77-4, pages 48.

    ToC ICDM-2020 Poster Proceedings

    netprice Euro 39,60, Germany plus 7% tax Euro 41,67
